Apex Safety Padding were asked to undertake a survey of a room for a child with special needs - during the site survey, and talking things over with the managers, a specification was produced to meet the needs of the site, care staff and especially the special young lady !
Impact absorbing sheet foam padding materials and a selection of one seriously cool and vibrant colour later the install was in full motion.
With a choice of 52 colours and unlimited colour combinations of our CRIB 5 rated covering materials our customer was sure to be able to find the right shade.
WOW - Candy Pink ! A fantastic room where this young lady can now enjoy playing and learning in a safe, protected and padded environment.
Time is always important but with this job the allotted time from start to finish was 6 hours - this was to ensure minimum disruption for all involved.
To ensure a perfect fit and finish around 70% of the panels were shaped to size and covered on site. The room was finished, cleaned up and handed over on time (even though it made this old guy sweat)
“Our son will be so much safer now, he has such a safe and great looking place to play.”
Project lead by Kirklees County Council for a private residence